
Friday, July 22, 2011


We choose what will be our symbols in life. Sometimes we will share a common belief and understanding of our symbols. Other times our symbols will be personal and held quietly with our hearts. Why do we choose the symbols that hold meaning to us? Symbols tell a story without words, oftentimes holding so much meaning that it would take a volume of books just to tap into a general understanding of what lies within. My symbol that I hold dear to my heart is a butterfly.

Free spirited

These two words hold so much meaning, more than their individual words could ever contain. We say that we fought for our freedom, and that is what our flag stands for but how many times do we see situations when that freedom is breeched? We state that we our spirits are free, but we live in lifetimes that are defined and limited. When I think about the concept of being “free spirited” I too find the rebellious image of a teen who does “their own thing”, but that image isn’t at all free. Being free spirited has a deeper meaning, and I believe that we express being free spirited through a combination of focus and action.
Our “time” here on the earth is broken down into moments, and we do not always invest ourselves wisely in those moments. We do not need more time, we need more of ourselves in our moments.


To be captivating, what does that mean? To be captivating is to draw attention to ourselves or some focal point. There are those who choose to captivate by pushing their “story” in the face of others. This approach is painful and depleting, and does not allow us to grow because all our energy goes into supporting the story, not ourselves.
To be “captivating” can also mean something completely different. We can be magnetically captivating, so richly embedded in our own experience and message that others cannot help but be drawn to that light. We do not drag them or force them into our story, instead they are attracted to us freely and willingly.
Both approaches are similar because they both hold onto a belief and connect two or more people that share that belief. The difference between those two approaches lies in the outcome. Does the story you share with others deplete or nourish? Is it a hiding place that allows you to continue to say, “See, I told you it would turn out this way”, or is it a place where you can express your hearts desires and create new ways of sharing your dream?

The Butterfly is very symbolic in nature. I choose symbols that lead me to thoughts that make me stronger, and I choose to give at least a few minutes of my time to giving my energy and awareness to the supporting meaning I choose to see in those symbols.

What qualities in ourselves can we see in the butterflies? Small yet amazingly capable; free spirited yet captivating.
We choose the symbols that guide us and hold meaning in our lives. Our symbols can speak for us and allow us to sleep-walk through life, or they can give us the tiny glimmer of light that helps us re-awaken.

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